Design thinking has made its way to the world of education, and here are some ways of thinking about how it transfers into the classroom. Their are many more schools and programs who have adopted this model and it is interesting to compare the interpretations for the various sites. I find it fascinating to see how schools embrace the concept and maintain truth to it whilst reimagining how it fits their mission/vision/values. My hope is that if you are just getting introduced to the topic or want to see how others approach it, this could be a starting point. Enjoy!
A long time educator and innovator, John Spencer, has developed a framework that brings design thinking to fruition on a wider scale through his launch cycle for K-12.
The premise is to tap into student curiosity and allow them to create, test, and re-create untill they eventully ship what they made to a real audience. it is beyond a class or subject, it is more about solving problems, taking risks, and embracing creativity through a flexible interdiciplianary framework (#designthinking #launch).
One of the stand out interpretations of design thinking in a school environment derived from the Stanford d.School.
Core Belief at D.School
At the school people use design to develop their own creative potential, under the belief that evreyone has the capacity to be creative (#designthinking).
One school Inspired by D.School’s approach is a middle school known as Vista Innovation & Design Academy (VIDA) which introduced the process to middle schoolers.
At VIDA, the process begins with Discovery ans an opportunity to make something better (#designthinking).
The Academy of Media Arts, utilized a similar model based on their needs for a high school environment.
These protocols are not necessarily the way to approach design thinking, they are ways to consider, think about, and apply to the development of your approach. The important aspect is to ensure alignment and due diligence with the original forethought.